Suburban Deviant is devoted to running our business as ethically and sustainably as possible. We ship our products through eco couriers in noissue Compostable Mailers. We choose to source our packaging through noissue because we want to be associated with like-minded brands. noissue Compostable Mailers are certified 100% home and commercially compostable. Made from corn-based biopolymers, the noissue mailer composts in three months in a commercial compost and 6 months in a home compost.

Each one of one wearable artwork is handmade in small batch one of one collections and shipped from our studio in Toronto Ontario, Canada.

Suburban Deviant intends to inspire hopeful and provocative change within art and fashion discourse. Suburban Deviant understands the ethical implications that exist in all methods of art production and consumption. Suburban Deviant is committed to sustainable art production practices within our own confines and circumstances. Suburban Deviant views sustainability through resolution oriented lenses and promises to work towards more sustainable methods of art production.